Free Transparity TAP for NHS Trusts

Our NHS had never been more crucial, yet it’s essential to ensure staff can effectively communicate at a time where remote working is mandatory. Many NHS Trusts have quickly moved to the Cloud-based Microsoft Teams for its Enterprise-grade collaboration and communication features, allowing both frontline and administrative staff to effectively work together to help save lives. But it’s equally important to be certain that your workforce can utilise these solutions correctly to empower them to do more together, no matter where they are located.

At Transparity, we want to do our bit to support our NHS staff in the vital work they do. That’s why we’re offering NHS Trusts unlimited licences of our online Training and Adoption Portal – Transparity TAP – absolutely free for six months! It’s just something to make life a little bit easier during this difficult time.

Maximise your Cloud investment by ensuring engagement

Transparity’s Training and Adoption Portal (TAP) ensures that you are getting the most out of your investment in Microsoft Cloud licensing by offering a flexible learning platform where users can access training and information on their terms. The platform assists users in embracing digital transformation with courses and documentation that they can refer back to when desired.

Easy-to-use interface, designed with UX in mind


If you’re trying to encourage user adoption, you need to ensure that their learning platform is user friendly. After all, what incentive is there for your users to adopt new technology if their training portal is unintuitive and difficult to navigate?

Transparity’s TAP is designed with UX in mind, ensuring that users can learn at their own pace. They will find it easy to discover new content, view their progress and course due dates, find out how long any course will take to complete, and so much more.

Key features include...

  • Consistently-updated training material on the Modern workplace environment, including Windows, Office and Security
  • 150+ hours of to-the-point content
  • Training planning, enabling organisations to build a roadmap of training to suit individual departments and the organisation as a whole
  • The ability to add your own custom materials for aspects such as HR training
  • Quizzes and exams help measure user’s knowledge and identify areas of need
  • Basic setup is included in this offer



Transparity’s Adoption Portal Implementation offering provides customers with an in-depth introduction to their portal and aids with the initial setup during the handover from the Transparity Customer Success Team.

Delivered via Teams, activities include:

  • Initial discussion to understand your team, roles, departments, branding and portal name
  • Trial portal creation and handover to cover user/admin logins, browse available courses, review tests and exams, watch lessons and add users
  •  Trial portal conversion to live and administrator training, covering portal settings, bulk user import and maintaining users/departments, and creating and adding assignments
  • Provision of end user training guides in template format and adjusted as required for internal distribution
  • Assistance with user communications for internal distribution and user onboarding
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