Leading Microsoft Cloud specialists Transparity have received JOSCAR accreditation, which demonstrates to companies in the defence, aerospace and security industries that suppliers have met a number of exceedingly-high standards.
An invitation-only scheme, the Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register (JOSCAR) gives purchasers confidence that certified suppliers are “fit for business” and compliant with any necessary regulations, pre-qualifying them and reducing the amount of time and money spent procuring services.
As a specialist in Microsoft security and with one of the highest numbers of Microsoft Gold accreditations in the country, this additional certification is another way that customers can be sure that Transparity have the skills and experience to assist organisations in the aerospace and defence sectors.
David Jobbins, CEO of Transparity, said: “We are delighted to have been invited to become part of the JOSCAR register. This means that our customers can trust that we have met stringent standards and can assume the responsibility of supplying some of the UK’s leading defence organisations. JOSCAR registration is a critical component of the buying process for organisations such as the Ministry of Defence, NATS and Rolls Royce, allowing Transparity to work with companies for whom the very highest levels of security and operational excellence are critical.”