frontline workers use microsoft teams apps

Microsoft Teams in Action: how frontline workers are achieving more

We’ve already discussed in previous blog posts how Microsoft Teams enables closer collaboration and greater productivity for frontline workers in a volatile, evolving professional environment.

By using Teams apps anytime, anywhere across their mobile devices, organisations and employees can deliver excellent customer service in less time, with less manual effort, working together on a single platform. Everything is managed and updated in real-time for better decision-making with the peace of mind of compliance and security.

However, to fully understand these benefits and the difference they can make, let’s consider some ‘real-world’ case studies.


Teams apps for the NHS

Imperial College’s Healthcare NHS Trust has saved almost three million hours of staff time by using Microsoft Teams as part of its care operations.

In the first six months alone after Teams was launched, it replaced a remarkable 14.5 million phone calls and hosted over 32 million virtual meetings. On average, this translates to one minute saved, every time a staff member chose to use Teams instead of a phone call to contact a colleague, and five minutes saved, every time they replaced a face-to-face meeting with a virtual one.

But it’s not just about time and cost. Teams apps have changed the game for patient care operations, by continually improving the way frontline workers are able to communicate with one another – especially in critical and time-sensitive situations where information and awareness make all the difference to those most in need. Even more so, given the considerable and unprecedented extra pressures resulting from the Covid pandemic.

On the ground, automated, intuitive tools like e-job planning and e-rostering save busy staff precious time, while also freeing them up to focus on other critical tasks which demand manual intervention and more complex, case-by-case care.

E-referral records are available to registrars and consultants on-demand, as they happen, so that decisions can be made faster and with the latest information to hand. Then, after the patient care process is completed, a record is stored on an online patient management system which maintains accuracy and compliance for any future activity. Management teams can also check this conveniently to assess care performance and identify areas for improvement.

All this streamlines the entire care provision process, while saving money and reducing waiting times. It enables an all-round better experience for patient and healthcare professional alike.


Teams Apps for Housing Associations

Front line workers employed by housing associations often have to gather, process and interpret huge volumes of data and insights. From this, key decisions are made relating to the planning and building of construction projects. These decisions have to be taken extremely quickly, with no room for error and ensuring that any compliance and regulations are strictly followed.

Teams are put under considerable pressure to ensure all this happens. However, manual, siloed processes have traditionally been slow, cumbersome and complex. Different approaches across different sites in multiple locations means that reporting and information is often inconsistent – and soaks up a considerable amount of working hours to manage.

Microsoft Teams has overhauled these processes – saving frontline workers time and hassle, standardising workflows, and supporting housing associations to become more environmentally friendly by reducing paper. Information is captured on one central platform, available on any mobile device, from anywhere.

Managers can view, edit and approve this information on-demand, but only authorised people have access, and all data is kept secure. To ensure accessibility across the board, Teams also offers a range of customisation options which give employees the freedom to tailor their virtual experience the way they want it, using innovative technologies like screen readers, dictation software, voice control, screen magnifiers and more.

This new world of hybrid working is here; and will be with us for many years to come. Virtual technologies and tools like Microsoft Teams are vital to keep those we depend on most, productive and performing as efficiently as possible – wherever they’re working. Microsoft Teams provides an ideal platform to achieve this, by enabling constant innovation and collaboration which brings out the best in everyone.

To find out more about how Transparity can help you experience a smarter, more convenient way of working using the power of Microsoft Teams, click below to book a discovery call.

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