Is Upgrading to M365 E5 Right for You?

The world is moving fast, and the world of work has changed forever. As the world of work becomes more remote, and organisations embrace hybrid working practices, having the right technology at your side is more important than ever.

Employees are seeing the benefits of hybrid work and seeking out workplaces that are set up to cater for working away from the office.


Microsoft found that 73% of employees surveyed said they wanted flexible work options to continue, while 66% of employers are considering redesigning offices to cater to hybrid working. They also found that 40% of the global workforce reported that they were considering leaving their employer.

Is hybrid work, working?

But it’s not all blue skies. For hybrid work to work, organisations need to keep teams connected while keeping their environments secure and compliant. That’s no small feat.

With the rapid adoption of remote working during the pandemic, many left gaps in their security. Plus, many organisations haven’t had the breathing room to consider if their technology is working for them, or if there are improvements to be made.

Is Microsoft 365 E5 licensing worth it?

According to Forrester’s analysis, E5 licensing might be the key to transforming the way you work with an exceptional ROI.

Forrester’s Economic Impact™ report found that E5 licensing offered significant savings in time and  money with an outstanding ROI. They report that in year 3,335,000 hours were saved through better collaboration, business processes, reduced downtime, and access to information across 5,000 users. The total cost of ownership saved organisations $8,641,351 in IT hardware, software, and effort. This resulted in a total ROI of 123%.

Is M365 E5 licensing right for you?

Find out more about the features, benefits and applications of M365 E5 licensing in our comprehensive guide. We’ll walk you through the key areas to note so you can see if it makes sense for your organisation.

Read our Comprehensive M365 E5 Guide

Unlocking the key to revolutionising your security, compliance, productivity, and communications.

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