Public Sector

Enabling digital transformation for local and central government, emergency services and more.

Supporting essential services

Providing the UK’s most essential services, the public sector is relied upon by millions across the country. Including services like health care, social care, education, emergency services, and so much more. With this vital role comes scrutiny from taxpayers and pressure to modernise and do more with less.

Public sector organisations are working hard to deliver new and improved services to the public and keep up with the push for more modern service delivery. To adapt to the changing demographic, the public sector needs to deliver more sophisticated, informed, and punctual services. To achieve this, it’s vital for public sector organisations to make the most out of the technologies they have and to drive cost efficiency.

We work with a variety of public sector organisations to achieve these aims and deliver greater value to the communities they support. Keep employees connected and secure while working remotely with Microsoft 365 and Teams. Adapt the government’s Cloud First policy and access the scalability and reliability of cloud services with Azure and our Azure Managed Service. Keep sensitive organisation and constituent data secure with Microsoft’s exceptional security tools and our Managed Security Service.

CCS 2935 Supplier AW

We’re an approved supplier in the G-Cloud 13 Framework, helping support the public sector to get the best commercial
value when buying cloud products and services.

Find out more about the G-Cloud Framework here

“Transparity are much more of a partner than a supplier. We develop things together and they listen to us about the problems that we have, and the opportunity is where we want to take this tool. Transparity offer that capability and experience on the Microsoft stack. I’m really proud of the relationships we’re starting to build.” 
Heather Case
Head of Dorset Intelligence and Insight Service (DiiS)

Public sector challenges & how we can help

Organisations are looking to follow the government’s Cloud First policy, which is mandated in central government and strongly recommended to the wider public sector.

How we can help

Access a scalable, secure and reliable digital environment with Azure and the support of our Azure Managed Service.

Public sector organisations hold sensitive data which is an attractive target for cyberthreats. For example, in 2020 over 700 councils reported data breaches to the ICO.

How we can help

Maintain compliance with the GDPR and keep sensitive data secure from cyberattacks with Microsoft’s security tools and our Managed Security Service.

Public sector organisations are expected to get more value out of their budgets while keeping up with constituents’ demands for more sophisticated, modern services.

How we can help

We’ll help you optimise your cloud services and resources to suit your organisation’s needs and keep cost to a minimum.

Like many industries, the public sector is continuing to adapt to long-term remote and hybrid working, with just 27% of employees preferring to work from the office

How we can help

Stay connected, productive and collaborative at home and in the office with Microsoft 365 and Teams.

Some of our public sector customers & case studies

When news of Covid-19 broke and the UK began to implement lockdown measures, John Lyon school realised that it was imperative to ensure that students could still receive an excellent education. The new Microsoft Cloud solutions ensured that they could quickly react to the crisis and use virtual classrooms to continue their students’ education from home. 

“Our new Cloud-based solution came in useful particularly during the Covid-19 outbreak, enabling students to continue with their timetable as normal even though they were at home.  This enabled us to maintain “business as usual”, including a 9am start and online lessons.”

Geoff Mattey 

ICT Operations & Development Manager John Lyon School

Contact us today

Reach out to us through our contact form, and we’ll respond to you promptly to ensure you get the support you need. Your success is our priority, and we look forward to partnering with you.

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