What Is Azure Redis Cache?
Redis Cache is a well know caching technology and you can run it in Azure as a fully managed service. Being a fully managed service, you do not need to worry about provisioning the underlying infrastructure.
Redis Cache is a well know caching technology and you can run it in Azure as a fully managed service. Being a fully managed service, you do not need to worry about provisioning the underlying infrastructure.
In this blog, we look at the different BizTalk Server versions along with the corresponding end of support and the overall BizTalk lifecycle.
The Revenues and Benefits area of the council was looking to modernise. This area is made up of council tax, business rates and housing benefits. The existing systems were built in the early 90s and were due for modernisation. Transparity was engaged to assist in developing a new Microsoft Azure-based system.
The situation that we were presented with was to provide an MVP build to support the new loyalty program, Virgin Red. Virgin had an existing loyalty program hosted on-premises that they wanted to retire.
Transparity was brought in for the implementation of a web-based Business Portal for Good Energy. This portal would allow Business Customers to gain access to their accounts and to self-manage those accounts.
Ingeus’ new Cloud-based solution removes any need for manual data updates to take place, keeping data secure with ongoing cost savings.
Following Microsoft’s success in the integration space over the last two decades with BizTalk, cloud integration was the natural next step.