Transparity Dynamics

Dynamics 365 Security

If you want to protect and secure your most valuable data

Keep your all-important customer data secure

Your Dynamics environment is home to some of your most valuable data. That means maintaining the security of your data is paramount.

The principles of Zero Trust are infused into everything we do across the Transparity Group, from Dynamics to Azure and beyond. To keep your customer data secure, your Dynamics environment needs to be secured against insider and external threats.

Our security experts will work with you to not only make sure your Dynamics is set up securely, but also ensure your user access is secure too.

Zero Trust & Dynamics

The principles of Zero Trust is an essential across your infrastructure, and Dynamics is no exception. Zero Trust is made up of 3 core pillars; explicit verification, least privilege and assume breach. Everything we do has these principles in mind as the foundation of a strong, holistic cybersecurity posture.

These principles are even more vital when it comes to your customer data – not only to protect sensitive information but also to limit the ways your sales and marketing team can export and use this data. Zero Trust dramatically reduces your risk of data exfiltration and manipulation by insiders.

How does Zero Trust apply to Dynamics?

  • We’ll set up user access to your environment with robust authentication requirements, so only those authorised gain access.
  • We’ll apply least privilege access to your users by configuring their roles to suit their needs, providing only the access they need when they need it.
  • We’ll establish the tech you need to monitor your environment and protocols to follow in the event of a breach – to contain and eject bad actors before they can extract your data.
Zero Trust Graphic Dynamics

“I want to make sure my team are accessing Dynamics securely and bad actors can’t gain access”

Dynamics security begins with access

No matter how secure your environment is, if your identities and access are compromised – your environment is too. That means preventing access to your precious data by bad actors, as well as managing the ways internal users gain access too.

The world of work is changing and as hybrid and remote working grow, the lines between users in and outside of your network get blurred. With a range of company and user-owned devices being used to access sensitive data, taking control of your identities and access is essential.

In our Secure Identities and Access Workshop our security experts will help you identify the security risks happening in your environment right now. We’ll gain insights on your Dynamics 365 landscape, improve your identity security posture and give you the tools to establish DLP and stay secure. We’ll take a look at the roles assigned to your users and make sure they’ve got the right level of access – striking the balance between giving them the access they need while keeping your data safe.

Improve your access security now

Take control of your access security today, with our whitepaper from the security experts at Transparity Cyber. Identity and Access: The new frontier explores the emerging threats targeting identity and easy to implement steps to improve your security.

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Dynamics Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) blocks the extraction of sensitive data to improve internal security and maintain regulatory compliance.

Using Microsoft Security technology and tooling within Dynamics we’ll work with you to keep your data secure. We’ll establish the tools you need to automatically identify and label sensitive data, assign rules based on that label and set up alerts triggered by specific user behaviours.

So you can:

  • Prevent users transferring data outside of your organisation.
  • Prevent unwanted destruction or alteration of sensitive data.
  • Limit the access and usage rights of your team to only the capabilities they need.
  • Maintain compliance with regulations like GDPR.
  • Automatically label and categorise sensitive data and set limitations on its use.
  • Be instantly alerted to suspicious activity or insider risks.

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Microsoft Workshops | Secure Identities and Access Workshop

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Access our FREE Whitepaper

Simply fill in your details below to access the whitepaper

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